Optimum charge rate with USB outlet

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Scolmore’s USB socket offers a faster, more powerful charging solution for the portable electronic devices that we have all come to rely on.  The 2.1A USB outlet guarantees the optimum charge rate regardless of the device charging.


The 1- and 2-gang switched socket with single integrated USB eliminates the need for bulky chargers, whilst freeing up plug sockets.

With more complex charge-management software and circuitry being built into tablet computers, smart phones and E-readers, for example, the amount of current that the device will accept is limited.  A device will go into protection mode when it recognises fluctuations within the power supply, resulting in reduced charge or no charge at all.

Supply fluctuations can occur for a number of reasons, including the plugging in of another device into a neighbouring port.  Utilising a single USB option eliminates the potential for this problem to occur.  Scolmore’s single USB outlet provides a constant charge rate and guarantees charge no matter what the device and has proven to reduce the recharge time of devices.  

This USB technology has been integrated into the CLICK 13A 1 and 2 gang switched sockets with single 2.1A USB outlet. They are available within the Mode, Deco, Polar, Definity, Define and Metalclad ranges – providing a total of 84 different plate designs and finishes.

The Mode, Deco and Polar USB 2 gang socket can be fitted into a 25mm back box and the 1 gang version requires a 35mm back box. Definity and Define USB 2 gang sockets require a 35mm back box while the 1 gang version calls for a 47mm back box.  The Metalclad USB sockets, both 2 & 1 gang versions, are supplied complete with a 40mm back box.


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