Surge in STEM subjects

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Pradyumna Pandit, VP Ecobuildings UK & Ireland at Schneider Electric has commented on this summer’s A-Levels results with 2% increase in students taking STEM subjects:

“Amidst the celebrations, it is a relief to see increasing numbers of young people taking advantage of STEM options.

From the building and energy industries to the electrical trade, the UK’s technical skills crisis continues to grow. As skilled facility managers and engineers continue to retire from the workforce, it is crucial that the next generation have the skills to fill their boots.

“Today’s young people are unprecedented in their access to and familiarity with digital technologies. They have much to offer our increasingly-connected industries, but only if they are given the opportunities to do so. The impetus must be on employers to provide both the graduate and apprentice training programmes they need to grow and develop.  It is often assumed students are, by nature, ‘digital natives’, but in reality they need the our continued support to thrive in a fast-moving, increasingly connected workplace. Anything else would be a waste of potential.”


Education pic courtesy of Dreamstime


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