New Cloud function for Click Smart range

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Scolmore has updated the app for its Click Smart range with a new feature called the ‘cloud function’. It will provide access to Click Smart installations through the internet, allowing secure control of devices from anywhere in the world; simply get online and control your Click Smart installations using Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G.

Designed with simplicity in mind, the Click Smart box and app can be easily integrated into a new or existing Click Smart installation and just requires broadband connection.

Comprising three basic components, Click Smart box, RF receivers and a smart phone, the system is a high-end, professional one which is very competitively priced and has been designed with installers in mind.

Multiple users can use the system to control their home or building premises. The smart box and applications enable up to 40 receivers to be controlled by up to 8 paired phones/tablets.


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