EO Mini chosen to be first EV charger dedicated to electric motorcycles

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The Bike Shed Motorcycle Club in Shoreditch London is the home of the UK’s first EV charger dedicated to electric motorcycles. While the EO Mini charger can technically be used by any vehicle, the parking space has been reserved for motorcycles, ensuring rides can get their fair share of charging spots. 

When we talk about electric vehicles, we predominantly focus on electric cars, but that’s clearly not the only transportation method that is ditching fossil fuels. In fact, there are several motorcycles that you can now buy that have been electrified, and the big name brands such as Harley-Davidson and Vespa already off electric versions of their popular bikes. 

Despite there being a plethora of options for electric motorcycles, there are no EV chargers in the UK that are dedicated to recharging your bike. That’s mainly because motorcycles can technically charge anywhere there’s a standard electric charging adapter, with most bikes using the type 2 and CCS Combo adapters for charging, which can be found at nearly every electric charger in the country.

Nevertheless, the majority of charging spaces have clearly been designed with cars in mind, so at least the Bike Shed Motorcycle Club has given bikers something that has been built just for them.

Dutch van Someren, founder of The Bike Shed London, said, “At the Bike Shed, we welcome everyone through our doors, whether bikers or non-bikers, petrol heads or electric riders. As the first venue in the UK to offer a charging station just for electric motorcycles, we hope to re-emphasise our inclusive approach. We look forward to seeing more electric motorcyclists at our venue and we encourage anyone with an interest in the biking scene to come and visit us at our Shoreditch home.”  

The EO Mini that has been installed in Shoreditch offers 7kW of power and is untethered, meaning bikers will have to bring their own cable to charge up. One benefit, however, is the fact that it’s completely free to use for any rider visiting the Bike Shed during opening hours. 

Miles Freeman, head of marketing at EO Charging, added, “Electric cars have hogged the media limelight for the last few years but now it’s time for electric motorcycles to take centre stage. There’s now a broad selection of models available that offer vastly improved range and earth shattering torque.

“We believe that for electric motorcycles to succeed, it’s important that chargers are not only installed in key urban areas but also on the UK’s best riding roads. Electric adventures will soon be best served on two wheels.”


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