A fond farewell to Mr Gossage

Readers of Electrical Review will be sorry to learn that, after 36 years, Electrical Review will no longer be publishing Gossage Gossip stories.

This column has been a mainstay of Electrical Review in print for more than three decades, and in more recent times has also been a popular addition to the website, where some of Mr Gossage’s columns have received tens of thousands of views. 

However, as the popular idiom goes, all good things must come to an end. As Electrical Review transitions into a new era, having celebrated its 150th Anniversary earlier this year, we’re sad to say goodbye to Mr Gossage and his many musings. 

Over the years, many of Mr Gossage’s stories have been either followed up, or reprinted – all too often without acknowledgement – elsewhere in national newspapers, TV, radio and other magazines. Additionally, they have been cited in Parliamentary debates, and may have even caused the Government to make a few policy u-turns. 

While we’re sure many of our readers will be eager for us to reveal the identity of Mr Gossage as we say a final farewell, the truth is, we shall be protecting our long-term friend of the publication until the bitter end. We are proud to have been the exclusive publisher of Gossage Gossip for the last 36 years, and wish him the very best in his future endeavours.

As we say goodbye to Mr Gossage, we know that it is the end of an era for many of our readers – but we here at Electrical Review remain steadfast in ensuring we continue serving you and the industry. With that in mind, we want to remind you that you have a voice in the direction of the publication as we move towards the next 150 years. 

We also want to hear from more diverse voices from across the electrical engineering sector. So, if you have anything you would like to say, or share musings of your own, do get in touch at jordano@sjpbusinessmedia.com

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