Martindale Electric expands its Locking Off device range

Martindale Electric has expanded its Locking Off device range, to help electricians stay safe during the installation and maintenance of electrical plant and equipment.

Implementing safe isolation is essential to achieve compliance with the Electricity at Work Regulations which are there to ensure that workers on site are not exposed to danger when working on or near live electrical systems. 

The Martindale ‘LOK’ lock out devices have been designed to fit a wide range of MCBs, RCBOs, fuse carriers and main switches and are compatible with Martindale PAD series padlocks and TAG label sets. 

A recent addition to the range is the Martindale LOCK26, this item requires no tools to fit as it has a clamping action, activated by use of a simple turn-by-hand adjustment then closing the device and applying the appropriate warning tag and padlock.

In addition to individual components, Martindale offers electrical industry focused kits ranging from the LOKKITBASE, a basic lock out kit ideal for domestic installers working on smaller installations, through to LOKKITPRO, the ultimate lock out kit which contains the most comprehensive range of locking off devices for use by contractors and maintenance teams working on industrial and commercial systems.

From an individual electrician working on a domestic installation through to a maintenance team working on an industrial site, Martindale offers solutions with a wide portfolio of safety products available either as individual items or within a handy kit. The range includes lock off devices and warning signs, proving units, voltage indicators/testers and many accessories. Look out for more additions in 2024.

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