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How to choose a UPS standby generator

Alex Emms discusses the factors to consider when selecting a UPS backup generator and installing it into its target location.

What to consider when recommending smart lighting

Romain Seeleuthner, Category Manager at ElectricalDirect, looks at what you should consider when recommending smart lighting. 

How the Internet of Things will guarantee building services uptime

Greg Hill explains why the Internet of Things is the new Holy Grail in building services, thanks to its ability to guarantee uptime.

Why backup power is a critical tool in an electrician’s arsenal

Stewart Gregory, VP Power Products at Schneider Electric, highlights the importance of backup power and why electricians should offer it.

Why even older buildings can be made smart

Many people believe that only new buildings can be smart buildings, but Jess Costanzo, Specification Sales Manager at Simmtronic, disagrees.

How data can help overcome challenges associated with EV growth

Nick Sacke believes data can unlock valuable insights that will overcome some of the challenges associated with the demand for EV chargers. 

How batteries can assist data centres in overcoming power grid instability

Michael Sagar of Enersys describes the benefits that modern TPPL batteries have versus more commonplace VRLA UPSs.

How electrical contracting is evolving in this ever-changing world

Lesley Rudd considers how electrical contractors have a host of opportunities available in our increasingly electric world.

Are you using the right micro-ohmmeter?

Choosing the right micro-ohmmeter is critical for ensuring the continued safe operation of circuit breakers, but which is the right one?

How BIM can help develop smarter and future-proof buildings

Paul Jones from BEG Lighting Controls explains why using BIM provides businesses with the building blocks for the now and the future. 

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