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Reduced street lighting maintenance could jeopardise UK smart city ambitions

Industry leaders have warned that the rush to reduce street lighting maintenance following widespread LED adoption is putting infrastructure at risk.

Recolight’s new LCA service could help lighting manufacturers gain green advantage

Max Robson, Head of Recolight’s LCA Service, discusses how an LCA can help UK lighting manufacturers gain a green edge.

Newly-enhanced ICEL product certification scheme launched

ICEL and the LIA have introduced an enhanced ICEL product certification scheme, which is aimed at elevating standards in emergency lighting. 

What’s the secret to greater LED adoption in commercial buildings?

Experts discuss overcoming barriers to LED adoption in commercial properties, emphasizing cost efficiency and smart technology integration.

Signify debuts Ecolink, a new LED lighting brand for UK market

Signify has unveiled Ecolink, a new brand that will offer a range of LED luminaires designed in the UK for electrical professionals.

Signify details plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2040

Signify has finally revealed a game plan to go with its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040. 

How to approach smart lighting implementation

Chris Anderson, Technical Manager at Ansell Lighting, discusses the many benefits of smart lighting systems and how they should be approached.

Exploring the future of lighting at Powered On Live 2024

At Powered On Live 2024, a panel discussion is set to delve into the future prospects of the lighting industry

How to avoid polluting the night sky with thoughtful lighting design

Dominic Harkness, a lighting designer from Ansell Lighting, shares some top tips on how to avoid unnecessary light pollution. 

Signify sets new target for net zero emissions by 2040

Signify has announced new targets to drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions across its operations and value chain by 2040

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