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Why it’s time to think about the cyber-physical security of electrical infrastructure

Steve Green explores the importance of both physical security and cybersecurity in protecting unmanned electrical and power infrastructure. 

ESP Fort offers a complete security solution

Leading security solutions supplier, ESP, is enjoying continued success with its Fort smart security range.

How to set security standards for IoT devices

Joe Lomako details the threat IoT devices have to the security of an organisation, and how to build up a defence.

ESP unveils new brand identity ahead of 30th anniversary

ESP has revealed a brand-new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of its brand identity, ahead of its 30 anniversary.

Vestas returns to normal operation following cyber attack

Vestas has confirmed that it was the victim of a ransomware attack on November 19, although systems are now largely back to normal.

ESP launches complete smart security range

ESP continues has announced the launch of a comprehensive new smart security range, one that doesn't require subscription fees.

Is the drive to Net Zero elevating cyber threats?

Could the drive to net zero and the implementation of new smart technologies be bringing additional cyber risks to the table?

ESP announces second phase of RekorHD CCTV revamp

ESP has unveiled the second phase of its product development programme, which sees RekorHD expanded into a comprehensive analogue CCTV range.

OMICRON Webinar: How to ensure a substation is cybersecure

OMICRON has announced an online conference which will focus on cybersecurity for critical infrastructure and how to secure a substation.

ESP’s RekorHD CCTV range gets a revamp

The latest product category at ESP to come under development is CCTV, with a revamp of the RekorHD 2MP CCTV range

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